One of the paintings that I created for the San Diego Air and Space Museum was honoring the WASPs. The WASPs were the Women Army Service Pilots in WWII. They were over 1,000 women trained as Army pilots, flying all the hot fighters and bombers of the day. Their jobs were ferrying the aircraft around the US, flying target tugs and doing all the flying they could state side to free up the men to fly combat over seas. This got their toes through the door and proved that they were quite capable of flying anything!
The WASPs in the painting are with a P-38 Lightning. The P-38 is one of my all time favorites. I played on 2 P-38s as a kid at Brackett Airport, La Verne, CA. One of these is now restored and is part of the collection at the Planes of Fame Museum.
The cartoon caractor is "Fifinella", the WASP mascot.
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